Blog Posts by Dixie Walker (Page 4)

Learn Some Easy Faith-Based Discussion Starters for Parents and Their Kids

Choosing right from wrong is difficult sometimes, even for adults. For children who are surrounded by kids at school and in their neighborhoods with different values from their own families, making the correct decisions can be extremely hard. But for households that are involved in a consistent faith-based teaching environment at church and at home, the biblical…

Do You Think Puberty Has Something to Do with Your Child’s Unstable Emotions?

The sultry glances were brief, but often. With fluttering eyelashes and a slightly demure smile, there was no mistaking her intentions—to capture the attention of that handsome guy sitting nearby. A normal display of romancing? Absolutely! A common age for such conquest? Sometimes. The flirtatious female in the scenario above was only in fourth grade. Yes, true story. I…

How to Focus on Jesus This Easter (With Young Children)

Easter is a fun celebration with kids! Most young families (and their children) are involved in a frenzy of exciting activities including family lunches, egg hunts, and baskets full of candy. So, it’s no wonder why children enjoy the festivities surrounding this springtime holiday. Besides all the entertaining events with family and friends, Christian parents…

Is Anger Taking Over Your Entire Emotional State These Days?

Seems there’s a lot of rage happening in our world right now. Many of us are experiencing fury over various injustices, ongoing health concerns, and a general feeling that society is falling apart. It’s enough to make one scream! And many of us are doing just that—at each other. The ash left behind Stress from ongoing cultural circumstances definitely bleeds over into…

Could My Co-worker Need Help with Their Mental Health?

If you’ve been in the workforce much time at all, I’m sure you’ve noticed varied types of behavior from other employees. Some of this is simply due to individual personality traits. But other times, behavior may signal something deeper, such as a mental health issue. The conduct of co-workers is learned over time—after watching them…