How You Can Survive the Last Month of School with Ease

Congrats! You’ve made it to the last stretch of this academic school year. Just a few more weeks to go! And just as the Fall kickoff was a bit stressful, these final weeks of class time and end-of-year activities can be demanding as well.

So, let’s sharpen our survival skills to make it through to the end as we propel toward summer break!

End of school survival tips:

Create a countdown calendar
You (and your kids) are already doing this mentally. Might as well make it into a visual for everyone to acknowledge together. A countdown calendar is a fun way to physically “X” out the days leading up to summer break. Or simply have countdown cards magnetized to the refrigerator or other board where everyone can participate in the anticipation of turning over the final card on the last day of school.

Make homework time more fun
Yes, teachers are still assigning homework during these last few weeks. But you can help your kids accomplish their tasks while having some enjoyment as well.


Could they do their homework outside on the deck? Or with a good friend who stays over for dinner? Or, while enjoying a milkshake or chilled coffee drink with you?

Plan summer outings
If you haven’t started these plans, it’s time to! Kids Camp deposits should be in by now, but if you’re still deciding—this is the time to finalize your thoughts. Also, if your family is unable to go on a full-on vacation this summer, plan some fun things to do locally as well. Swimming, bowling, and camping are fun options for many kids. Throw in a few new-to-you restaurants or places to sight-see across town. Be sure each family member marks these fun outings on their calendars so you can all look forward to them together.

Get outside AMAP!
Normally, the month of May is generally pleasant outside. So, pretend you’re already in summer mode and do things outdoors AMAP (as much as possible)! Open windows to let fresh air sweep in. That in itself helps us feel more refreshed, relaxed, and able to take things in stride as we make it through these last few weeks of school.

Run, walk, or ride
Exercise always does a body good. So, whether it’s inside your house, outdoors, or at the gym—be sure you and your kiddos are exercising regularly. It’s one of the best stress-busters you can find. Have everyone choose activities they truly enjoy so it can become a healthy, fun habit that’s easy to do. Running, walking, skating, or even riding a bike are all great options!

Stressful times with anything simply take intentionality in changing one’s attitude. Throw in a spark of fun to make the dreary tasks doable. You’ll ease into summertime before you know it!