Blog Posts on Grief & Loss

When Tragedy Strikes, Know How to Talk with Your Kids

It’s always good to be prepared! We know that heartbreaking situations can happen any day when we least expect them. With the click of a television remote or the closing down of a website, we can visually remove the painful reality of tragedies and go about our day. But there are times when anguish can’t be taken away…

Look Forward to The New Year and Leave Your Regrets Behind!

Taking short glances back in life are one thing, but remaining in past occurrences—often filled with discontentment and sorrow—can become detrimental to one’s future outlook.” Regretful points to ponder Regrets leave us feeling stuck—or heartsick—over the past. I know I’m in regret when I consistently think, It shouldn’t have been this way! Regrets might be about my…

Grieving the Death of Your Loved One Takes Time

When grieving a significant loss, you may perceive expectations from others about how quickly you should walk through the process. Pressure from family members, colleagues, or friends to “move on” is sometimes felt before you may actually be ready to act on that suggestion. Learning to live with the loss of someone important to you is a journey that varies for each…

How to Move Forward After Losing Your Job

December is normally a joyful month for most of us. But for many individuals this year, the termination of their career has wrapped them in a much-less cheerful spirit. Have you, too, recently experienced the bite of losing your job? Regardless of the reason, job loss is never an easy wound to heal. And what may be worse is the constant wondering, How…