Blog Posts on Anger/Temper

Do You Want to Improve Communication with Your Teenager?

Talking with teenagers seems challenging even for the most patient parents. While many moms and dads desire open interaction with their kids, the reality is that this becomes difficult as teens proceed through their middle and high school years. I thought we were communicating! In our generation of cell phones, text messages, and conversations on-screen—communication has never been…

4 Easy Ways to Teach Children to Forgive and Move Forward in Friendships

Children love to play games with their friends, but many times fun and laughter turn into resentment and sad feelings. What might appear as pettiness to us is actually a very upsetting situation in the making. Occasionally, when children’s feelings are hurt deeply enough, they choose to shut down communication with their friends, turning inward rather than finding a way to resolve…

Is Anger Taking Over Your Entire Emotional State These Days?

Seems there’s a lot of rage happening in our world right now. Many of us are experiencing fury over various injustices, ongoing health concerns, and a general feeling that society is falling apart. It’s enough to make one scream! And many of us are doing just that—at each other. The ash left behind Stress from ongoing cultural circumstances definitely bleeds over into…

Could My Co-worker Need Help with Their Mental Health?

If you’ve been in the workforce much time at all, I’m sure you’ve noticed varied types of behavior from other employees. Some of this is simply due to individual personality traits. But other times, behavior may signal something deeper, such as a mental health issue. The conduct of co-workers is learned over time—after watching them…

Best Secrets for Surviving Christmas Vacation with Your Family This Year

Christmastime with extended family can be challenging! And if you have a relative (or two, or three) that you consider more naughty than nice, it’s often hard to have a “holly jolly Christmas.” However, Christ does call us to do what sometimes seems impossible to do. In Luke 6:27 Jesus says: “Love your enemies, do good to those who…