How Can I Keep a Watchful Eye on My Own Mental Health?

Just as important as getting a regular physical checkup, we need to know the status of our mental health to be sure we’re on the right track. But we first need to know what we’re looking for. What exactly is mental health anyway? defines mental health as “our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.”

So, with these factors in mind, how can we track our mental well-being? One way is a DIY checkup. I found some great questions on that you can consider for yourself.

Mental Health Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Have I been getting quality sleep with regular bedtimes and getting up times?
  2. Have I been isolating myself from others at work, friends, or family?
  3. Do I have more worries or anxiety than usual? (Maybe use a scale of 1-10.)
  4. Have I lost interest in activities and pursuits that usually held my attention?
  5. Have I felt more sad than happy lately?
  6. Do I feel at ease with myself and my surroundings?
  7. Do you feel that your life is appropriately balanced between work, fun, friends, family, self-care, exercise, and other meaningful pursuits?
  8. Do you have trouble concentrating?
  9. Have you been experiencing significant mood swings, crying, or thoughts of suicide?
  10. Are you overly fatigued or tired at the end of the day?  How about at the end of the week?
  11. Has your appetite or eating habits changed in any way recently?

Keep this list and your answers handy for a few months and then retake the test. If you notice things are out of balance (by the way you’ve answered the questions) in a drastic way either time you take the assessment, then it may be a good time to see a professional therapist who can give you some tips on managing your lifestyle or thought life.