Blog Posts on Relationships

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Don’t Have to Ruin Your Time Spent at Work

In a previous segment of this series, we learned that anxiety could affect our thoughts and behavior in such a way that we are debilitated in our daily functioning. You may be concerned about how this could affect you at the workplace. Normal job stress—meeting deadlines, talking with clients, being prepared, balancing your workload—is typical workplace angst. But, if anxiety-related unease hinders your ability…

Do You Want to Improve Communication with Your Teenager?

Talking with teenagers seems challenging even for the most patient parents. While many moms and dads desire open interaction with their kids, the reality is that this becomes difficult as teens proceed through their middle and high school years. I thought we were communicating! In our generation of cell phones, text messages, and conversations on-screen—communication has never been…

How to Discover an Upside to Your Teen’s Social Media Use

There’s always a lot of buzz about teens and their use of smartphones and social media. Most of us have heard horror stories about cyberbullying, “sexting,” and other risky online behaviors. For parents, this information can feel overwhelming. How do we compete with the powerful lure of “likes” on social media platforms such as INSTAGRAM®,…

4 Easy Ways to Teach Children to Forgive and Move Forward in Friendships

Children love to play games with their friends, but many times fun and laughter turn into resentment and sad feelings. What might appear as pettiness to us is actually a very upsetting situation in the making. Occasionally, when children’s feelings are hurt deeply enough, they choose to shut down communication with their friends, turning inward rather than finding a way to resolve…