Learn Some Easy Faith-Based Discussion Starters for Parents and Their Kids

Choosing right from wrong is difficult sometimes, even for adults. For children who are surrounded by kids at school and in their neighborhoods with different values from their own families, making the correct decisions can be extremely hard. But for households that are involved in a consistent faith-based teaching environment at church and at home, the biblical lessons learned can be invaluable to kids as they grow and develop their decision-making skills.

Let’s take one biblical character to start with such as the account of Daniel when he was a teen or young adult. It’s not every day we hear about someone acting as boldly in their convictions as this young man did. The choices Daniel made in his devotion to God are examples for all of us to follow. We see his stance in making wise choices and sticking to them—even in the face of ridicule!

Children love hearing these types of stories—like the one of Daniel—because they can somewhat relate to him. Now, I know it’s hard for parents to think about, but kids and teens are faced with situations each day where they must choose right over wrong. Often this happens on school playgrounds or in places where adults are not in a close proximity. Many times, these decisions come with the added pressure of what peers will think of them, based on the choices they make. It’s a lot for kids to have on their minds each day!

I’m sure you can remember when you were a child or teenager. Those were difficult years for many of us. Childhood issues today are even more challenging due to the easy access of drugs and social media’s influence. For parents, it’s difficult sometimes in knowing how to lead our children down the best path. However, even though it feels overwhelming at times, be assured that God wouldn’t have entrusted you with your kids if He didn’t make it possible for you to raise them in the ways of the Lord. Parents have a great God-given responsibility in guiding their children in making wise choices.

As you talk with your younger family members, consider these types of discussion starters to help get the conversation underway:

  • “Are the friends you hang out with kind to you and others?”
  • “Do you think the choices you’re making lately are pleasing to God?”
  • “What would help you feel bolder and more confident in making good choices with the friends you play with/hang around?”
  • “Have you thought about praying for God to help you with difficult choices
    you have to make each day?”
  • “Is there anything we can do to help you when you are struggling with decisions?”
  • “What are some things you can do when you feel uneasy about going along with decisions your friends are making?”

It’s hard when we see our children hanging around kids who exhibit questionable behaviors and values that we don’t agree with for our family. Encourage your children by letting them know you’re praying for them each day as they have tough decisions to make. Your focused attention to their needs will mean a lot to them!

Also, remind them of this great verse found in Deuteronomy 31:6 where it reminds us to “be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified . . . for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you.” Your children can stand on this promise in situations they encounter with friends. God will bless them for doing so, just as He did with young Daniel.