How to Focus on Jesus This Easter (With Young Children)

Easter is a fun celebration with kids! Most young families (and their children) are involved in a frenzy of exciting activities including family lunches, egg hunts, and baskets full of candy. So, it’s no wonder why children enjoy the festivities surrounding this springtime holiday.

Besides all the entertaining events with family and friends, Christian parents can take this special time of the year to guide their kids to look “beyond the bunny” to what Easter is really about—Jesus!

What can my younger child understand?

I know you may be thinking—My preschooler is too young to understand the real Easter story about the death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead. I agree, many younger preschoolers are not yet ready to fully understand this miraculous event. But something we can do with our preschoolers and older children is to emphasize how special Jesus is to us! This is a concept they’ve heard surrounding Jesus’ birth, so it’s easy to continue this thought during the Easter celebration of His life as an adult.

Quick reminders about Jesus that you can share with younger children:

  • Jesus loves everyone in the world—no matter what they look like or what they’ve done.
  • Jesus did great miracles! He is a special person.
  • We can thank God for Jesus every time we pray.
  • God sent Jesus to Earth as a baby; He grew up teaching others about God.
  • Jesus prayed to God. We can pray to God, too, just as Jesus did.

Reminders for older preschoolers–elementary ages:

  • Jesus died for our sins
  • God raised Jesus from the dead
  • Jesus wants to be our Savior and Lord

As with all things, remember to keep conversations at age-appropriate levels for best understanding. God will use these foundational conversations to plant seeds of spiritual truth that will continue to grow within your child as she develops and matures in her faith over the years to come.