Blog Posts on Stress (Page 4)

Look Forward to The New Year and Leave Your Regrets Behind!

Taking short glances back in life are one thing, but remaining in past occurrences—often filled with discontentment and sorrow—can become detrimental to one’s future outlook.” Regretful points to ponder Regrets leave us feeling stuck—or heartsick—over the past. I know I’m in regret when I consistently think, It shouldn’t have been this way! Regrets might be about my…

Best Secrets for Surviving Christmas Vacation with Your Family This Year

Christmastime with extended family can be challenging! And if you have a relative (or two, or three) that you consider more naughty than nice, it’s often hard to have a “holly jolly Christmas.” However, Christ does call us to do what sometimes seems impossible to do. In Luke 6:27 Jesus says: “Love your enemies, do good to those who…

Can an Attitude of Gratitude Really Help?

We’ve all heard the saying: “Have an attitude of gratitude!” But really, can gratefulness toward others cause any real beneficial impact for ourselves or those around us? Amy Morin, psychotherapist and author shares the following advantages to living a thankful lifestyle in her blog post from Psychology Today titled “7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude”: Gratitude opens the door to more…

Fixing the Faults of Perfectionism

Are you someone known for nitpicking details before others are “allowed” to see the end product? Do you cringe when you think your product (birthday cake, office or home decor, presentation at work, etc..) is not absolutely perfect? If so, you may be suffering from perfectionistic tendencies. What exactly is perfectionism? Perfectionism is a common…