Look Toward New Possibilities in The Year Ahead!

As you prepare for the coming year, there are several important things you can do between Christmas and New Year’s Day to make the months ahead the very best yet! Check out this list:

    Hit the reset button on your daily commitments to determine whether or not they are to be continued this next year.
    It is so easy to forget the special people that have crossed your path during the year. Write a note to them expressing your appreciation for the contributions they have made to your life.
    This is a time to recall your purpose for what you do each day. We often call it “re-charging your batteries.” It is obvious by the spring in your step whether or not you love your work and the activities that fill your day. If you dread each day, steps should be taken to change your circumstances.
    Consider your life events over the past twelve months and examine the lessons you learned from decisions that were made “in the moment.” How can you improve in ways that will more positively impact decisions for your future?
    Make a list of people who need your help and special attention. Put their names on your calendar so you will have a specific day pre-arranged for contact with them.
  • READ
    Those who read have healthier brains, live longer, feel better, experience success in the workplace, and are much more interesting in social conversations.
    Revisit your goals over this past year and assess the need to carry some of them forward into the coming months ahead.
  • REDO
    This is a great time to redo your files, collect paperwork for tax preparation, and redo those things that do not meet standards of excellence.

If you’re careful to check your way through this list, you will be on your way to a great new year of opportunity ahead!