Blog Posts on Women (Page 5)

Remembering Christmas past

Normally, we look forward to Christmastime. Isn’t it fun to catch up with loved ones you haven’t seen in a while? We expect things to be unchanged from how they’ve always been—same childhood home, same favorite foods, same neighborhood sites, same parents. But sometimes those familiar places and people from the past aren’t the same. Sometimes they’re not there at all. And…

Will you spend time with me?

Walking from the back yard toward the garage, I heard a chorus of children voicing a simple request: Will you jump on the trampoline with us? My mind instantly flashed through every undone task, and after a momentary hesitation I responded simply with “Yes.” Ashamedly, I didn’t deserve the squeals of delight that instantly drifted across the bright green grass surrounding us. The…

Listen well, love well….

Watching the above video may feel very familiar to you. Most of us assume that listening should be a skill that we’re naturally gifted with; after all, we use the senses of sight, taste, smell and touch rather effortlessly. Listening, though, is much different than hearing. Hearing just happens while listening is a conscious effort to be present and fully absorb and…