Want to Improve Your Financial Vision This Year?

Realistic or not—many of us make a few ambitious New Year’s resolutions each year when January rolls around. We may decide to drop some weight, spend quality time with family, or get out of debt. However, by February 1st these goals are often a distant memory.

Instead of moving forward with our plans, often we give up and find ourselves making the very same resolutions the following year.

So when it comes to your financial assets, would you like this year to be the best one for you and your family? Are you ready to do what it takes to improve this area of your life?

If so, there are three steps that are essential to moving forward. These steps aren’t complicated nor are they original. They do require some commitment, but the results can be life-changing!

If you want to improve your financial health in the coming year, you will need…

  1. PLAN to follow
  1. PERSON to help you
  1. PATIENCE to keep moving forward

Having a plan is crucial to your financial success. Begin by “naming every dollar.” If you bring home $3,000/month, spend all of it on paper first. Then track your expenses each month and adjust your budget as needed.

Don’t try to manage your finances alone. Find someone who can help you. This person needs to be good at budgeting, trustworthy, a good listener, an encourager, and someone who will hold you accountable. You want someone who will walk with you through the process and teach you how to manage your money along the way.

Finally, have realistic expectations. Your finances won’t get fixed overnight. If you are patient during the process and continue moving forward, you will see improvements before you know it.

If you follow this plan, small modifications will lead to big changes—and financial freedom will be right around the corner!


For help with your financial planning needs, contact Jason Cline as shown below:

Jason Cline
3 Strands Financial Coaching

(615) 414-5706

