Therapist Spotlight — Lauren Combs

Lauren Combs is one of our newest full-time counselors although she is not new to The BabbCenter. During her undergraduate and graduate career, Lauren expanded her knowledge and experience by interning at The BabbCenter before beginning her professional career as a STARS Counselor for Sumner County schools. She more recently came on full-time as one of our therapists, and we’re so fortunate to have her!

Lauren’s experience with kids, professionally and as a volunteer teacher to teens in her church, makes her a great choice of a therapist on our staff.

Where did you go to school?
Lindsey Wilson College for both my undergrad and graduate degrees

What is a fond childhood memory?
Being outside and playing in a creek by my childhood home with my best friends

Where is a unique place you have lived?
I have always lived in Tennessee, but I have traveled to Turkey for a mission trip

What is something you try to do each week?
Listen to a podcast or sermon on my way to and from work

What is a favorite memory from growing up?
Renting movies from a video store with my dad every weekend and being so excited to pick out the movie and candy

What is something about you that very few people know?
I was born 2 1/2 months early, weighing only a pound and a half so my lungs were not developed. Because of this, I was a test subject for a new medicine at the time that saved my life and is used for preemies today.

What is a quote you think about often?
“Look for Christ and you will find him. And with him, everything else.”
– C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

What is a moment in counseling that stands out to you?
Seeing hope and relief in a client’s face as they realize they are not alone and that there is help for a problem they previously thought was helpless

If you had one piece of advice for most anyone, what would that be?
Write down or voice one thing a day that you are thankful for and then watch how gratitude changes your perspective on life!

What truth from the Bible do you want everyone to know?
“We love because he first loved us.” –1 John 4:19

What is something practical you learned during your years of preparing to become a therapist?
You can’t pour from an empty cup. It is not selfish to refill your own cup so that you can pour into others. It’s not just a luxury, it is essential!

To schedule an appointment with Lauren Combs, contact us at 615-824-3772.