The Value of Sticking to A Routine This Year

Many of us know the importance of children having a pattern in their daily activities, but I’ve realized it’s just as essential for me as an adult. Especially if life is feeling unsettled, it’s relaxing to land in the comforts of the known.

So, what daily activities can remain consistent even if life is feeling a bit wonky right now?

Waking time — Even if you don’t have a job to get to (on-site or remotely at home), it’s helpful to wake up and start your day around the same time. This signals your brain that it’s a new day and rejuvenates your mind toward activities that must be completed.

Eating meals — Mealtimes are actually great ways of finding patterns throughout our days. It’s easy to strive to reach goals of completing certain tasks “before lunchtime” or during morning brunch/break time. And obviously, a well-rounded diet gives our bodies the energy needed to work well between waking in the early morning hours and evening when many individuals start to wind down.

Wearing real clothes and shoes — You may laugh about this one if you’ve become a work-from-home employee. The comfort of being at home during worktime has led some individuals to remain in pj’s and house slippers all day. Although comfy, this may not be the best attire for optimum productivity. Our alertness tends to follow the way we get ready for our day. This doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable! Loungewear has become one of the latest trends for comfortable apparel that looks presentable in public and isn’t overly sloppy.

Getting outdoors — Sunshine and fresh air are always beneficial! And there’s no reason you can’t do this if you’re now working from home each day. Going outside for lunch or break times has been part of the daily activities for many of us (at traditional workplaces) over the years, so let’s try to keep it up regardless of our current employment situation.

Bedtime — Just as important as getting up at a consistent time each morning is when we go to bed at night. Again, the pattern of activity throughout our days helps us in our goals and activities. It also helps us overall in our health. Research shows that adults are at higher risk for developing illnesses when they do not have a consistent time of going to bed each night.

How has sticking to a regular pattern of lifestyle helped in your normal undertakings and strength for getting through your days?