Mid-week Motivation: Embracing Simple Pleasures Can Make Life Less Difficult

Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world.”
~Oscar Wilde

When all is said and done, isn’t it the modest pleasures of life that bring comfort and gratification during stressful times? For me, this is definitely the case!

As we’ve all experienced some bumps along the road over the past year, I’ve discovered renewed hope and energy through some of my favorite delights. Here are just a few simple ideas that rank high on my list for smoothing out my days:

  • Enjoying a scented candle
  • Diffusing my favorite essential oil
  • Rocking on the front porch
  • Feeling the sunshine and breathing in the fresh air
  • A text or phone call with a son or daughter away at college
  • Walking through the park with a friend
  • Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate or tea

coffee cup

The next time news reports are sounding more negative than nice, decide to have fun, and not take yourself (or others) too seriously! Instead, crank up a favorite song and dance, dance, dance! Be silly and laugh with family and friends. Remember how much fun it was to laugh when you were a child? Bring out the inner kid in yourself and play a game with someone—indoors or outside.

If you’re working from home, remember to establish boundaries that allow for self-care. Set break times and get up to walk around the house or step outside to soak in some fresh air and vitamin D. Work in a designated area so the rest of your home is not associated with work. Stay in touch with coworkers occasionally so you remain connected with them.

Nothing on this list is hard to do but we sometimes need to be reminded to just do them! Be intentional to remember people and activities that bring you the most joy and then get busy finding pleasure in them again.