Mid-week Motivation: Do you Need Help Looking for Your Next Job?

The pandemic of 2020 left many people jobless. If this is your story, you may be wondering what to do next although you have little motivation to go back to how things were before. So this may actually be a great time to make a change in your career plan if you were not previously in your desired vocation.

Dave Ramsey, a financial business leader writes: “No matter what shape the economy is in, it’s important to be in a career you love. If you are just working a J-O-B, then you’re going to be unhappy.”

Consider these four critical steps before starting your next job search:

  1. Realize God has a plan for your career. Discovering the Lord’s will for your vocation will be freeing and invigorating!
  2. Identify and align the following things to find the work you love: Your skills, talents, abilities, personality traits, values, dreams, and passions.
  3. Identify your top five strengths by reading Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0. You will love working in a job that uses your strengths!
  4. Understand these 85% rules for job searching:
    85% of the effort to find a job occurs before you start looking.
    85% of all available jobs are not advertised.
    85% percent of all jobs are found through networking.
    85% percent of the time you will be hired because they like you, and not because of your resume.

Go forth with passion, determination, self-discipline, and faith to find the job you love! Henry Ford once said, “Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars.” You can do this!