How To Continue Healthy Eating Habits Throughout the Year

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier this year? If so, good for you! Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important decisions we can make for our physical and mental health.

Wholesome nutrition, in combination with exercise, is vital to leading a thriving lifestyle. Let’s face it though, unhealthy eating often seems to be the easiest option. Without a decisive plan, making the decision to eat healthier can be difficult to accomplish. With so many fad diets out there, where do we even begin?

Here are a few practical tips for getting started:

  • Educate yourself
    Understanding the importance of “why” we should eat a nourishing diet is the first step to making healthier food choices. Educating ourselves about the benefits, both mentally and physically, can give us the motivation we need to eat better. Just as you would when making any other life decisions, do your research!
  • Plan your meals ahead of time
    By taking time to plan healthy and nutritious meals, you can ensure your dietary needs are being met. When you menu-plan and prepare your own meals, you choose the amount of salt, fat, and ingredients used. You can also find pre-made healthy meal plans, a lot of nutritious recipes, and even shopping lists already prepared online.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
    Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, proven to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and are full of fiber. Eating more fiber through fruits and vegetables will leave you feeling full longer so you are less likely to reach for an unhealthy snack.


  • Drink more water
    Cut down on sugary drinks by replacing them with water. The recommended daily intake of water is 6-8 glasses. Investing in a marked water bottle can be a fun and easy way to ensure you are getting those daily ounces. Refill your water bottle immediately after you empty it. This will eliminate any excuses to reach for that sugary soda.
  • Eat more whole foods and less processed foods
    “Whole foods” are unprocessed, maintain their full nutritional value, and contain fiber. “Processed foods” have been stripped of their nutritional value and often contain high amounts of added sodium and/or sugar. Shopping on the outside perimeter in your supermarket (where more whole foods are found) can be helpful when trying to stay away from unhealthy processed foods.
  • Choose healthy snacks
    Snack choices are important! Healthy snacks provide energy and that afternoon “pick me up” we often need. Going too long between meals without eating can lead to overeating or lack of control during mealtime. So, eating the right snack is important. Research “healthy snack options” online for several great choices.

For additional resources on this topic:

“How to Eat Healthy: 25 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier Every Day”
by Marisa Cohen

“8 Tips for Healthy Eating”
Eat Well

“Processed Foods: What’s OK and What to Avoid”
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

“10 Processed Foods to Avoid”
by Elea Carey and Justin Sarachik
Feb 26, 2019

Why are Healthy Snacks Important?
by Jessica Bruso
Nov 27, 2018

“The Best Non-Fattening Snack Foods”
by Erica Wickham