Home[bound] For the Holidays?

“Home for the Holidays” is one of the best Christmas songs ever recorded! I don’t know of many other lyrics that bring such a warm and cozy feeling straight to the heart—unless, of course, you’re not going home for the holidays.

Ever been there?

Home alone (and cold)!

It was the winter of 1998. I was a fairly new transplant to Nashville, Tennessee from Phoenix, Arizona. I had moved in December to begin my new job.

Single. Alone. Didn’t know a soul, other than my new co-workers!

But, much to my surprise, God brought Don—a really sweet, good-looking guy—into my life shortly after I moved to Nashville. We hit it off immediately, and started dating soon afterwards. Every weekend was a new adventure as Don acquainted me with the whole Nashville scene.

As the year progressed, I just knew I was in for a romantic holiday with my new guy!

But then Don told me his job was sending him to Japan for the holiday!!

Seriously?! Now, what was I going to do over the long Christmas season—alone??

What’s your situation?

You may be in a similar predicament this Christmas season. Perhaps you’re a college student too far from home to get there and back in time. Or newly divorced, wanting to escape from everyone who knew you as married. You may be a single, working adult—needing to work to keep things afloat. Or—like I was—you might be new to your city and unable to travel anywhere.

The situations may be different but the feelings are the same: lonely, gloomy, and ready to get to the other side of January 1st as soon as possible!

If this describes your condition right now, make the decision to turn toward HOPE for the Holidays. After all, Christmas is all about the hope we have in Jesus Christ! We can hold tightly to it in our hearts, and pass it along to others in a variety of ways such as:

H – Helping others less fortunate
Christmastime, in most locations of the US, also brings cold weather. Shelters for the homeless are always in need of extra helping hands to serve meals or box up food and clothing items for those less fortunate. Since you may have some extra time on your hands this season, why not help!

O – Offering assistance as a seasonal volunteer
Take your pick at seasonal or volunteer openings around your community—at church, or in stores and restaurants. You never know if a short-term project will bring about a new relationship, or even a new job in your future!

P – Participating in (or attending) Christmas performances in your community
You’re sure to find something to suit your fancy—”The Nutcracker Suite,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” or a simple church choir program. Not only will it give you something to do (most every night of the holiday season), the events are sure to lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face!

E – Exploring with a friend or group
If you’re not stuck at your workplace over the holiday, and the weather permits—consider going on an exploration with a friend or group—to a place you’ve not been to before. Go to a movie theatre on the other side of town. Check out some restaurants that you haven’t tried yet. Are you the outdoors type? Find a holiday hike or marathon in a city or state nearby! You might even make a new friend who is doing the same activities this year.

If you are home for the holidays, don’t despair. Get out and involved with those in your community, and gain hope for the new year ahead!