Grateful or Not—The Choice Is Up to You!

We’re now in November—the official month for giving thanks! But I know that some days—some weeks—it’s really hard to feel grateful. Although Scripture encourages us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to “Give thanks in all circumstances,” we all face difficulties that challenge our gratitude to the core!

Situations abound that cause our joyfulness in life to be shaken: loss of jobs, loss of loved ones, loss of direction. This makes the idea of our lives overflowing with gratitude “in all things” extremely tough to pull off!

So, when our hearts feel more like diving into a ditch of despair than thriving with thankfulness, how can we become more appreciative?

Steps toward a grateful heart:


  • Start a handwritten list of things you’re thankful to have in life—and be specific. The oft-forgotten blessings are what I’m talking about, such as a cozy bed to sleep in at night, family members who are in good health, eyesight to see the beautiful fall foliage, the ability to walk, freedom to worship God, food in your pantry. The list will become longer than you may at first imagine, filled with countless reasons for which to be thankful!
  • Show kindness to someone every single day. Consideration toward others lifts our spirits when we are kindhearted toward them and makes us aware of what God is doing all around us. When we see these blessings in our day-to-day environments, we can’t help but feel appreciative.
  • Say “Thank You prayers” throughout your day—even when it might seem insignificant. We use this method with preschoolers in teaching them to pray, but the concept works as well for us as adults! You can do this either aloud or silently. A few examples are: “Thank You, God, for a car that works.” “Thank You for helping me through that difficult discussion with the boss this morning.” “Thank You for this beautiful weather!” “Thank You for my friend, _________, who encouraged me so much today.”
  • Try naming at least one blessing for which to give thanks as you go through your day—morning, afternoon, and evening—even if it’s small. As you get into this habit, your mindset will change to one of gratefulness as your life overall becomes more joyful.

Demonstrate an attitude of gratitude for the little and big things in life. The choice of having a lifestyle of thankfulness is up to you!