Easy-To-Do (Home) Exercises to Keep You Healthy

I get it—February is not when you typically think about exercise. Usually, our thoughts are on chocolates, Valentine’s treats, and other sweet comforts rather than heading to the local fitness center.

And trust me, I’m not a “gym rat” in any season. But I have discovered some easy ways to keep my muscles toned and my body more fit, all while in the comfort of my own home, especially when the weather outside is still a bit frightful! And believe it or not, exercise provides great benefits to our physical well-being as well as our mental health.

Easy Exercises for February Fitness at Home

Wall Push
This is my adaptation from the traditional floor push-up. Simply stand about an arm’s length from a wall—just far enough for your body to be straight with the palms of your hands flat against the wall. And now, push your body weight back and forth from the wall while keeping your back and legs straight. Voila! Vertical push-ups!

Up ‘n Down
Stand up with feet spread to hip length. Now, keeping your back straight, go up and down slowly. When you’re at the height where you could sit in a chair (if there was one), raise back up. Do this repeatedly throughout the day to strengthen your back and abdomen muscles.

Arm Time
I keep a few five-pound hand weights near my desk at home. Several times throughout my days working from home, I grab these weights and do several reps as I look out the window. Start with a few arm curls, go up high, or do some combination of movements. A few sets of ten repetitions daily are great for keeping your arm muscles firm.

Stair Steps
No, I’m not talking about using a StairMaster®. If you have a set of stairs in your home, this can be done multiple times daily. Set your pace for the easiest walks up and down the stairs, or pick up the pace with each climb to get your heart rate up.

Exercise is not only good for you physically but great for your mental well-being. We’ve all experienced a lot of time being cooped up indoors lately. So, do your body (and mind) some good by getting up and moving as you go through your days.