Consider Micro-cationing to the Max!

You know the feeling. Sitting in your work space while staring blankly at a report, while your mind is miles away!

Could happen because it’s early Monday morning (or late Friday afternoon), but it may also be a sign that you need some vacation time away.

Face it—everyone has the need for time off now and then. And doctors agree—it’s actually good for our physical and mental health!

But vacationing takes so much time, money, and planning—right? Maybe not!

My experience

We just returned from a micro-cation in the Smokies. Three days was the perfect amount of time away! We saw—we did—we conquered!

Don's smokies

I didn’t realize micro-cation was an actual term until I googled it, but I highly recommend this approach for getting away from “the same ol” when your eyes and thoughts begin to glaze over with your usual routine.

3 general pointers for the micro-cation mindset:

  • Stay fairly close (within a few hours from home)
  • Pack lightly (it’s part of the short-term, spontaneous vibe)
  • Enjoy each minute (this point is obvious)

Granted, some individuals love the idea of longer vacations and if that’s your gig, then go for it!

But, many people are opting for the quicker stints away from home, and there’s definitely merit to this approach as well. And, it works regardless of the time of year you do it—summer, fall/spring break, or Christmastime!

Why micro-cation?

Financial reasons
The longer we’re away from home, the more we tend to spend. Fewer days away = extra money in our accounts for additional micro-cation opportunities throughout the year.

Easy ask
Whether you work in a full-time office setting, or freelance remotely from home, we all find it hard to tear ourselves completely away from our professional obligations for too long. But micro-cationing is more like taking a long weekend. It’s an easier “ask” for time away from work than it is for a full week or two of vacation time.

More for less!
Shopping consignment is my kind of thing. I can get 3-4 items for the price I’d pay for one at a regular retail store. Same with micro-cationing. If you have two weeks of “vacation time,” why not break that up into 3-4 micro-cations spread throughout the year rather than packing it all into July or December?

Think creatively
Obviously, there are big attractions across the country that bring thousands of guests. So, check out fun venues within a few hours of your home. Even if it’s something you’ve done before (i.e. water parks, craft marts, amusement centers), the different location will bring freshness to your experience.

Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Enjoy life in quick and easy spurts, with the resources and relationships you have today!