Are You Continuing to Feel Restless in Your Current Job?

It’s the start of a new year, and you’re feeling restless in your job, but you can’t pinpoint exactly why. Sometimes this internal “check” has to do with the desire (or need) to move elsewhere on your vocational path.

Consider a few questions:

  • Are you doing what you were meant to do with your life?
  • Do you still wonder what you should do for work when you “grow up?”

These questions are being asked not only by twenty-year-olds but also by those in their forties and fifties. Why is that?

People are often embarrassed to acknowledge the fear and worry of going through adulthood and failing to realize what they were meant to do with their lives. In fact, several stress-related illnesses directly relate to work health—especially for those jobs that are unfulfilling or lack richer meaning for us.

Is it time for a change?

Since we are still at a low point with employment since the start of the pandemic in 2020, this may be the perfect time for you to turn the corner and find a job that will fill you with excitement and passion. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are in the right vocation, career, and job. Ever consider what the difference is between these three words?

  • Your vocation is the big picture where you identify your calling, purpose, and mission.
  • Your career is the line of work that assists you in fulfilling your vocation.
  • Your job is your daily activity that produces income.

You may have fourteen different jobs in your life that support your overarching vocation. However, changing jobs that will fit within your vocation and career framework will include identifying your skills, abilities, personality, interests, and values.

What’s your next step?

  1. Reflect on where you have been and what you are currently doing. Are you on the right trajectory to be where you want to be in your vocation five or ten years from now?
  1. Pause to give thanks for the opportunities you have performed so far in your work life.
  2. Remember, eighty-five percent of all jobs are found through people we already know. So, never stop networking!

If you’re feeling that work-related restlessness stirring around inside you again, don’t despair! Finding a job that will make you feel happy, peaceful, and fulfilled is never too late.