5 Ways to Keep the Love Alive in Your Marriage

Has your relationship become more lifeless than lively? It might be a sign that your marriage is overdue for some fun!

Consider these ideas to help spark things up a bit:

Recreational Intimacy
One of the ways we identify with our mates is to be “team focused.” It’s a great time of year to join a new team sport, take up a new hobby, or just get out and enjoy nature together. Recreation is a language we can all appreciate throughout our life cycle.

Date nights 2.0
Dating is a fast way to remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing! Being together is an essential part of refreshing your memories and creating new ones. Pick a new local bistro or farm-to-table restaurant, or better yet—go on a food walking tour through your city. These events are coordinated weekly in many communities and they are so much fun!

Music, music, music
I can still remember the song I danced to at my 7th-grade dance, but the boy who I danced with is no longer a memory! Music has defining markers in our brain and is an experience ‘driver.’ Even simple things like housekeeping can be more fun with music playing in the background. So, crank it up and invite your partner to just have fun with it! Also, be on the watch for free concerts in your city (another date night possibility).

Change up the routines
Take turns doing different household chores. This helps remind both of you what the other one is doing for the good of your household. Grateful hearts are more easily connected hearts. If you’re so busy with your pre-defined roles, you may be missing out!

And finally, get 24 hours together
Whatever you have to do to spend this uninterrupted time together—do it! It’s worth your time to get away from the stress of it all. Sometimes this is nearly impossible, but you can ask for help! Grandparents often don’t know what to give kids for Christmas, so have them give an “event” gift—i.e. “Spend the night at Grands,” or “Go on a trip with Grands” (which = mom/dad free time)!