Teaching Children about God’s Promises

When you hear someone say, “I promise,” what comes to your mind? Hopefully you have a positive reaction to this phrase, from experience with individuals who kept their word. A promise is a commitment to someone about a certain action that will be carried out. God provides many examples throughout Scripture of His faithfulness in keeping His promises.

Do you give much thought to holding firm to truths within your family? One piece of advice that was given to me as a new parent was never to break a promise to my child. Our desire as parents is for our children to trust that our word can be counted on in all situations. As our kids trust us, it becomes easier for them to eventually believe in their heavenly Father and the truth that comes from Him.

How can we teach this important quality about God’s promises to our children? It helps to remind them often of God’s faithfulness, and talk about ways we have personally seen Him stay true to His Word in our daily lives, such as:

  • “Remember how we’ve been praying for me to get a new job? God answered that prayer! I start work next week.”
  • “I’m thankful for the way God protected us last night through the stormy weather.”
  • “When I get fearful about things, I ask God to calm my fears and He always does!”

Another way to teach children about God’s promises are to show them truths straight from Scripture:

  • “God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble”  (Psalm 46:1).
  • “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously” (James 1:5).
  • “Do not fear, for I am with you “(Isaiah 43:5).

Using Bible promises with children is a great way of providing comforting thoughts as well as showing God’s faithfulness. We know how many situations come up when our kids need an extra sense of security! Talk with them about tightly holding a certain Bible promise in their thinking just before going to bed, or heading off to a long day at school, or any other situation that may cause them unsettledness. God will bring His truths to the forefront of their minds in order to provide trust in His promises. They’ll learn how they can trust the Lord’s faithfulness with assurance any time of day or night.