Therapist Spotlight with Rhonda D’Imperio, Phd

Today’s Therapist Spotlight is with Rhonda D’Imperio, Ph.D. Dr. D’Imperio joined the Babb Center for Counseling team over 12 years ago. She provides counseling and psychological assessment for children, adolescents, adults, and families. Rhonda’s special areas of interest include depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, grief counseling, ADHD and learning disorders, and autism and Asperger’s disorder. Rhonda’s approach to therapy includes a focus on the mind, body, and spirit.

Q.  What is a moment in counseling that stands out to you?

A.  The lightbulb moment. That moment when someone gains a deeper understanding of themselves or a circumstance.

Q.  If you could say one thing to anyone, what would you say?

A.  There is always hope. Hope for change. Hope for improvement. 

Q.  What truth from the Bible do you want everyone to know? 

A.  Philippians 4:13. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me. 

Q.  What is something about you that very few people know? 

A.  I was a gymnast. 

Q.  You have a Ph.D. in Psychology. What is something practical you learned during this intense graduate work?

A.  I focused on the research around resilience. One simple truth is if teens have someone (inside or outside their family) during high-stress life events, they do much better than going through it alone. So, be that someone!

Q.  What is something you do each week?

A.  I play the flute at church alongside the pianist and organist. 

Q.  What is a favorite memory from growing up?

A.  I’m from a big Italian family and each Sunday we would all eat at my grandparents’ house. Lasagna is one of my favorite dishes.