How to Experience More Joy In Your Job This Year

Returning to work after an extended holiday break can be rough, even for the most loyal employee. But the day-to-day “clocking in” can be daunting as well for those who simply don’t enjoy their line of work or place of employment. What can be done to remedy this sad situation?

3 Big Jumps Toward More Joy in Your Job

1. Get acquainted!
Many times we go to our jobs for months, or even years, without getting to know those we spend the majority of our days with. We may assume that we don’t have anything in common with those individuals when the simple truth is, we don’t understand where they’re coming from.

So, how can we get better acquainted with those we work beside each day? You can do a little research to find out things such as:

  • Where are their favorite places in town to eat?
  • Where do they like to shop?
  • Do they attend church? If so, where do they go?
  • What’s the makeup of their family (married, kids, pets)?
  • Do they have any hobbies?
  • What do they most enjoy about their job?
  • Do they have specialized skills they use in volunteer opportunities?

Becoming familiar with co-workers usually helps increase the enjoyment of seeing them each day. It also helps with our understanding of their situations, such as if they are: a single parent with young kids at home, having personal health issues, dealing with aging parents, engaged to be married soon, recent empty-nesters, etc…

2. Get involved!
What do you know about your company? Does it promote activities during off-hours that you can support and be actively involved in with other employees? Could you help develop some fun, family-friendly events to bring about unity and comradery?

The company I currently work for has teams set up for this very reason—to give employees the chance to be part of the inner workings of the establishment. There are teams that oversee everything from policy development to social events. Everyone is given the opportunity to choose which team interests them the most, which goes a long way with the desire for deeper involvement in the business.

3. Get educated!
You know the saying, “It’s never too late to learn!” This definitely goes for the workplace. Even though you may have come to your current position with a long list of degrees behind your name, there are still new skills to learn and fresh ways of doing things.

This past year I became a member of an online forum to develop better skills in my field. Through this forum, I have learned so much from others in my industry who give their time to help people improve their understanding and level of ability.

It’s dangerous to have the mindset that we know it all! As soon as we become arrogant in our skills, we’re sure to fail. Even the Bible speaks to this matter where we read, Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:13). Stay humble and keep up those CE credits!

The workplace can be a more enjoyable place through simple expressions of friendship with co-workers, and finding creative outlets for personal involvement inside and beyond the company walls.